My name is Liz Newstead, I live in a beautiful seaside town called Nairn in the Highlands of Scotland with my partner, son and beloved dog. As a mindfulness teacher I practice daily and have had a personal practice of mindfulness for over 25 years.
I worked in the NHS as a mental health nurse for over 35 years, during which time I specialised in working with individuals who experience psychosis and was one of the UK’s first Nurse Consultants. In addition, I worked for more than 20 years as a Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN), I have been a Lecturer in Mental Health with Bournemouth University and with the University of the Highlands and Islands. Latterly I was an NHS Practice Educator.
Throughout my career I maintained a passion for enabling people to build emotional skills and resources, which allow them to live their life with ease as best as they are able. I hold a conviction that we all have a unique human capacity to cope with stress, to heal and recover from emotional distress.
My Background
My journey to teaching mindfulness was via the NHS National Education for Scotland (NES) pathway where I trained to deliver Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). In addition, I followed the Mindfulness Association teacher training pathway which adds Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC) to the courses I can competently deliver.
In addition I am qualified to teach and supervise those training to become mindfulness facilitators.
You can find my listing with the Mindfulness Association and with NHS National Education for Scotland. Both of these organisations adhere to UK standards of training and education for those of us who teach mindfulness.
My Mission
To share the knowledge and skills of mindfulness with as many people as I am able, to help nurture and inspire them to flourish in their life.
I aim to achieve this by;
engaging with you to explore what you need
enabling you to develop the mindfulness practices that best suit your individual or organisational requirements
providing education materials regarding the underpinning neuroscience and ancient wisdom
encouraging insight into unique habits of mind through the process of reflection on your experience of mindfulness practice
Promoting your autonomy
Reducing reliance on unhelpful or unhealthy habits and strengthening those which promote better health, improved mental well being and emotional resilience